If we’re not careful, we may be the last generation to ever see the Joshua Tree, and they will become just a photograph in a history book and a forgotten memory.
Read moreWhat I Have Planned For Tomorrow
First, stop for a moment. Make time for yourself, and then do what you can to cancel out the destruction.
Read moreHave You Noticed People Deciding Not To Vote This Year?
Many U.S. citizens are giving up their right and their power to vote during this year’s election. Have you noticed this trend? Are you planning on voting?
Read moreMy First Civic Season
Civic Season is the time period between Juneteenth and July 4th, uniting our oldest federal holiday with our newest, mobilizing a movement to understand our past and shape our future.
Read moreHow We Should Observe International Women’s Day
Everyone should be using International Women’s Day as a reminder to take action to protect everyone's human rights.
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